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MADNESS! 4 Events in 3 Weeks!? (Dayton Designed, LexPlay, GDEX and Alive After 5)

Hey all! Wow, we’re exhausted! On October 22nd we went up to Dayton for The Ohio Gaming Brigade’s “Dayton Designed: Game Night at Star City Brewing Company” (wow that’s a lot to type; certainly not Twitter friendly!) then on the 28th, we headed down to Lexington for LexPlay and on the 29th, we went up to Columbus for GDEX! Yup, with both LexPlay and GDEX being two day affairs, we actually split up the team and took them both on! Then on November 3rd, we hit up our own hometown Hamilton for Alive After 5: Game Night! Here’s how it went…

You can see that this place was packed. Oh, what was this place? It was the Star City Brewery in Dayton, Ohio (just a hop, skip and a jump north from us). This place was great. It was all decked out like some sort of medieval pub. It even had really cool medieval iron works for the doors. Now, while we didn’t imbibe anything of the alcoholic variety while we were there (we were on the clock), they did have amazing butterbeer (yes, like from Harry Potter) and dark chocolate-covered espresso beans!

While we were there, we played so many awesome games, including a version of X-Men vs. Street Fighter that used what were basically DDR pads combined with fighting sticks, a really awesome deck-building card game, and even a hip-hop RPG. There was some real talent here.

Just like with Vector, we were joined by some of our friends from EKU (they were in the booth next to us). We got to play more polished versions of the games they were working on for Vector (and generally just pal around with them). Unfortunately, one of our programmers, Mark, who is an EKU grad student, couldn’t make it.

We even got interviewed by two podcasts while we were there: Game Over Game On (the episode is live right here:

) and the WAMCast (The Weekday Afternoon Morning Show). Unfortunately that interview isn’t out yet. Hanging out with these guys was some of the most fun I’ve had at an event in a while. We’ve even invited them up to Ohio sometime to partake in the Municipal Brew Works located below our studio.

Apparently we made a pretty big splash at GDEX this year, though. CLE Tech actually did a write-up on their favorite games of GDEX, and guess who was at the very top of this list (here’s a hint:

). It was me… Di… Oh, wait. I, um, mean, it was Collapsus! This was pretty flattering. It’s really great to see so many people take a shining to Collapsus. Heck, according to their Twitter, it’s sort of infected their entire office (insert maniacal laugh here).

So, pretty needless to say, the past few weeks have been PACKED! This isn’t even mentioning all the cool meetings we’ve had or the other pieces of press who interviewed us, or even just the work we’ve been doing on actual development. Those are probably blog posts for another day. Not next week, though. We have yet another event next week. We’ll be off to our second year at Pandoracon! This time around, we’re actually media sponsors. That means we’ll be hosting an entire room of retro gaming goodness called the Wraith Games Game Cave, as well as our normal demo table, AND we’re giving three talks! Not only that, we’re even dragging along our Radarkanoid arcade cabinet, and we’ve been busting our butts trying to get a Physix VR demo ready to showcase. This event is going to be HUGE for us! It should be, because this is our 13th (and last) event of the year. It’s this weekend in Cincinnati if you want to stop by. More info here:

We really hope to see you all there. Next week’s blog will be about Pandoracon coverage, and then after that, dev stuff! Catch ya later!


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