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New Project + A Look Into How Wraith Works

This isn’t much of an update post really, other than to say that yet another game that we’ve been working on for a while finally coming into the light (just not quite yet). It’s called Jet Pack Hero! It seems kinda weird announcing yet another project without even finishing up a first, but rest assured, that will change soon. For those who don’t know, Wraith is an eclectic hodgepodge of indie developers and all of us have day jobs (of sorts). We only have two programmers at the moment, one of which is in college. Add to that our primary game writer who a single father and a few volunteers doing other odds and ends and don’t ever get paid other than the occasional pizza night and you can see where things get weird. Then there’s me…

I’m a full-time stay-at-home freelancer designer (both graphic and web) and I spend most of my free-time either sleeping or working on one aspect of Wraith or another. I’m the primary game/sound/level and web designer, only artist, secondary writer and I also handle everything on the business end as well. Wraith has been my passion ever since I started it in 2005 when I was still in school. Being a freelancer, my normal workload is erratic to say the least, but when I’m not pulling my hair out from long stints of tight deadlines, I’m left with empty voids in my schedule that if you could shout into them, I’m sure you’d hear a might impressive echo.

This being said, I can often make several “bundles” of assets for projects on our huge list “dream games” and still have nothing to do with my self allocated “Wraith Time” waiting for a convenient opening in a programmer’s schedule but pick up assets from another game and work on them, while other times, I’m so swamped, I get programmers pounding at my door for assets for projects while trying to balance my less fun, primary job.

I guess you then may be wondering why I never get around to posting anything, that’s where it gets project specific: Physix has been going on for years, but we had to switch to Unity because our old one was incapable or holding the awesomeness that is Physix, while at the same time, not having an on-staff modeler means that we frequently need to wait for freelancers. Right now everyone is not only learning Unity still, but we’re patiently awaiting some brand new models from a German freelancer who appears to have no idea when his non-exclusive media will “hit the shelves”

As for Collapsus, the programmer working on that one just got out of collage for the summer and is frantically trying to push the game into Beta before he returns. Fly Guy’s been pushed onto the back burner due to no one really seeing it on Kongregate and with no feedback, making an iOS version is out, but we’ll more than likely just take our iOS assets and make a new web version and call that one case closed. Which leaves us with Jet Pack Hero and I’ll save that for a later post 😛


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